Papers and Presentations

Numerous contributions as key note speaker and presenter in various asphalt and road related congresses and events worldwide including:


  • The 4th International Conference and Exhibition on Road and Airfield Pavement (ICPT) April 23-25, 2002, Kunming, Yunnan Province P. R. China: Project For Developing Performance Related Bitumen Standards in Europe, Evaluation of Test Methods to Characterise Bituminous Binders
  • National Asphalt Symposium, Ankara 25th and 26th November, 2004: The European Bitumen Industry: Challenges and Advances
  • SITEB Symposium on Health and Safety, Verona, 6th May 2005: European and Global HSE Issues
  • Portuguese Road Congress 2006: Beneath the Surface
  • International Bitumen Health Symposium BG-Akademie, Dresden June 7 and 8, 2006: Application Sectors: Secondary Application Areas
  • 9th Conference on Asphalt Pavements for Southern Africa (CAPSA) 2007: A European industry strategy on compliance with legislation on health effects of exposure to bitumen
  • European Petroleum Industry Association (EUROPIA) 30th August 2007: Introducing Eurobitume, The European Bitumen Association
  • Portuguese Road Congress 2008: REACh ahead. The implications of the new chemicals regulation within Europe for the bitumen and asphalt industry


  • Norsk Asfaltforenings Visjonsgruppe (NAVIS) 2001: Aktørenes rolle
  • NIF Kursdager 2002 NTNU, Samferdselskonferansen: Visjoner om asfalt
  • Norsk Asfaltforening (NA)
    Asfaltdagen 2004: Strukturendring i asfaltbransjen, Hvordan ser bransjen ut om 10 år? Frimodige betraktninger
    Asfaltdagen 2007: Hva skjer i Europeisk asfaltbransje?
  • Asfalt Entreprenørenes Forening (AEF) HMS-dagen 2005: HMS-nytt fra Europa